Monday, March 9, 2009

Wouldn't it be fun?

If there were people who read my blog?

My ego could inflate and I'd feel super important. I have dreams of becoming REALLY FUNNY and getting ad revenue and making a million dollars like Dooce. I heart Dooce. I used to have funny things happen to me, but then I had a year of shit, and I won't go into my country music sob story or anything, but I'm hoping to start feeling some funny now.

My friend who originally said that I was funny said to blog about my opinions. She's right. I'm very opinionated, but I'm not sure I want to narrow this blog down to that. I guess I could have a blog that is a mish-mash of things that include my strong opinions, but right now, I'm mellow.

I know that at one point, you will be treated to my weird health problems. I won't get into any of them until I'm seen by my new doctor on Wednesday. My doctor in the military hospital was a quack, so it will be pretty nice to see a private doctor and get tests done in a timely manner so they can figure out why I've been fainting since July. (Okay, so one weird health problem sneaked through. Apologies.) I don't want this to be a poor me blog, since I've had a poor me year.

I've moved, and already things ARE looking up for me. I think I thought that the very instant I got here, things would be magically better. Poof. And I think that I wasn't accounting for the fact that I'd still have some bad days like a normal person, and that is frustrating, but I will adjust to that. I left one lifestyle for a very different one, and an adjustment period is normal. Optimism isn't one of my strong points, but I am striving for it. But really, moving has made a difference in a very positive way. Once I am all the way settled, my stress level will decrease. Once I get referrals, it will decrease further. I have a good support system, and I now live with one of the most key players in that support system. As the Beatles say "It's getting better all the time."
As always, vote, vote, vote! htp://

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