Monday, March 30, 2009


Well, damn.

I apparently forgot that I have a blog. I've been at this almost a month, and just about a half month goes by without a post. I'm doing a stellar job!

Maybe it's because I went to the doctor. I had some medical stuff going on, and I'm not at a point where I'm comfortable enough to share medical issues much more serious than a cold with the internets yet. I'm fine, and then I did get a cold, and that kicked my ass hardcore, and now I'm back. Good news is that I have a hot doctor. And that so far I don't have cancer. (Non-cold share--we're making sure I don't have a brain tumor later this month.) I'm going to start seeing a shrink this week for the crazy, and I hope that works out okay. I didn't get to pick the shrink. I love insurance.

This is the Wednesday of my work week. I love that Thursdays start my weekends, because Thursdays are my favorite days of the week. I think Roommate and I are both off this Thursday. Maybe we should do something awesome. I think it's the first day we've both had off since I've been here!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


It's like OCD, but in alphabetical order. The way it should be.

No, I didn't make it up, and I don't know who did, so I can't give credit. It's funny, though.

My roommate and I both have actual OCD. Not what people think of when they think of OCD. Neither of us obsessively wash our hands or flick light switches on and off seventeen times before leaving the house. We both have it, though. It manifests in different ways. Mine is, well, insane. I do crazy things, but most people who don't live with me can't tell I have it. Most people who don't live with her probably couldn't tell she has it, either.

I fixate on things. I get something in my head and fixate on it and think about it over and over until I can do something about it. Like in the middle of the night when I decided I needed to pierce my nose. That was me first thing in the morning at the tattoo shop getting my nose pierced. Along with my belly button. Or when I get fixated on the 2002 Winter Olympics and watch the opening ceremonies nonstop for days. I mean nonstop.

So now that I've moved, I feel like I have clutter from stuff that doesn't have a place. I'm fixating on things that have not yet found homes or been hung up. I spoke with my roomie about hanging some things in common areas. Next thing you know, I'm out in the hall with a hammer. This kicks her OCD into high gear, as she needs time to process the change. I didn't realize that until that moment. She's afraid of making the wrong decision. I can understand that, because I used to feel the same way.

We'll figure it out!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Wouldn't it be fun?

If there were people who read my blog?

My ego could inflate and I'd feel super important. I have dreams of becoming REALLY FUNNY and getting ad revenue and making a million dollars like Dooce. I heart Dooce. I used to have funny things happen to me, but then I had a year of shit, and I won't go into my country music sob story or anything, but I'm hoping to start feeling some funny now.

My friend who originally said that I was funny said to blog about my opinions. She's right. I'm very opinionated, but I'm not sure I want to narrow this blog down to that. I guess I could have a blog that is a mish-mash of things that include my strong opinions, but right now, I'm mellow.

I know that at one point, you will be treated to my weird health problems. I won't get into any of them until I'm seen by my new doctor on Wednesday. My doctor in the military hospital was a quack, so it will be pretty nice to see a private doctor and get tests done in a timely manner so they can figure out why I've been fainting since July. (Okay, so one weird health problem sneaked through. Apologies.) I don't want this to be a poor me blog, since I've had a poor me year.

I've moved, and already things ARE looking up for me. I think I thought that the very instant I got here, things would be magically better. Poof. And I think that I wasn't accounting for the fact that I'd still have some bad days like a normal person, and that is frustrating, but I will adjust to that. I left one lifestyle for a very different one, and an adjustment period is normal. Optimism isn't one of my strong points, but I am striving for it. But really, moving has made a difference in a very positive way. Once I am all the way settled, my stress level will decrease. Once I get referrals, it will decrease further. I have a good support system, and I now live with one of the most key players in that support system. As the Beatles say "It's getting better all the time."
As always, vote, vote, vote! htp://

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dog days

I love my dog very much. I never thought I'd be one of "those crazy dog people," but I am. I never thought she'd sleep in my bed, but she does. I also never thought I could have such a strong connection with another being. I've been told that my mood is apparent by the way the dog acts before I even enter a room. I'm not just bragging, but she has an extensive vocabulary, and can pick out key words if I give a command that is in sentence form. She's a pointer, and very smart. Sometimes, very smart is bad. Like when she figured out how to open the refrigerator when she was still a naughty puppy.

My wonder dog goes anywhere I go. We drive cross country (which she loves; idiot dog), we hike, we go tide pooling in the coastal pools of New Hampshire, and at the end of the day, she's content to snuggle up against me.

Then, we moved here and she made a new best friend. Don't get me wrong. When she's not playing, she's still my shadow. But this friend of hers is a lab puppy who has at least 20 lbs on her and is still growing. They wear each other out wrestling and playing, and I'm perfectly happy that she's becoming socialized with dogs again.

However. They like to play tug of war with my roommate's socks (Not in front of us, or we'd be able to end it). This means they both get fibers stuck in their throat. Her dog did some gagging last night, but we figured out it was throat tickle from a piece of sock. What was the first thing my dog did this morning? Threw up on the carpet from gagging so much from the fibers. Second Saturday in a row! Cleaning vomit while half asleep is very awesome. But, I would obviously do anything for my little baby. She's my pal.
Don't forget to vote!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Anyone who knows me will know that I hate mornings. It's not just that I'm not a morning person. I hate mornings. I remember once over the summer in college, my father was taking me to the train station or airport or somewhere in Boston while he was on his way to work. My father left for work at around four am. I took it as a personal affront that there were people on the road.

"What are these people doing awake?" I grumbled with a lot of attitude. He laughed and reminded me that commuters in our area had to get up early to get to their jobs. I glared at the cars until I fell asleep.

I can stay up all night. This is no joke. Four am is not an issue for me if I'm still awake, and I'm well past the party days. I believe this is genetic. If my father doesn't have to get up so freaking early (ie weekends), he'll be up all night. When his family stays at my parents' house, his brother, sisters, nieces, and nephews will all stay up until at least two talking around the table. My mother tries to stay up to be a good hostess, but I know it wears her out. I don't call my house past eight pm for fear of waking her up.

When I lived in the middle of nowhere, NC, I was about two hours from my 80-ish year old aunt. I asked my cousin what would be the best time to call her mother. "Never before noon, but she'll be up until two," was her response. My aunt would never be a recipient of an early bird special.

What is the point of all of this? It's my day off, and I woke up at six am. SIX in the morning. Something is obviously miswired. I know I just moved and I want to get a few remaining things at Target to complete my organization, but I promise, I am not excited enough about Target to wake up at six am.

If I can't fall back asleep, I will be quite angry.

Oh, yes...and if you've not voted today, click this link and vote for us!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Let's see how this works...

Well hello, internets.

There are a few things you should know about me. First of all, I'm not exciting. There are some who have argued this, but I promise you that I am not. I'm a twentysomething girl currently living in the midwest with my dog. I just moved in with my roommate and her two dogs. You'll probably see lots of pictures of dogs. I'm from the northeast, but have lived in coastal California, and shitsville, North Carolina. I've driven cross country a few times, so I have a long list of states that I hate.

Oh yes. I tend to be negative. I'm working on that, though! There are things I don't hate! Like...cheese.

I do hate unpacking, however. And that's what I should be doing. Which is why I started a blog. If I'm blogging, I'm not unpacking, right? Genius!

Okay, some real things about me. I am a nerd, and I say that with pride. I studied microbiology in college, but I now work in computers. Yes, a totally lateral move. I enjoy reading my nerd political books and watching MSNBC to the chagrin of my roommate. I never thought I'd live this far from the ocean, but where I currently live is very enjoyable. I love animals so much that I will take in strays and foster them to keep them out of animal control facilities. I am an activist for survivors of sexual violence. (If you ever need to reach out, please have a look here: NOBODY should have to go through that alone.) Boston is my favorite city, with San Francisco a close second. I love America's Next Top Model. It is trash, but it is FIERCE trash.

Well, enough about me, how about you?